We have moved home! USAPCS Commences 2nd Term on New Campus

The USAP Community School started its 2024 second term at USAPCS’ new and permanent campus located on Ruwazi Road in Marondera. The new campus is set on 93 hectares of wondrous miombo woodlands and balancing rocks. This significant transition marks a pivotal moment in the school’s history, signaling growth and progress for the institution and its community.

We are sincerely grateful to major donors Chobani, Simbisa Brands, PaDenga Holdings, Innscor Africa Limited and Architexture Spatial Design for their extended financial support throughout the construction of this phase to date of May 2024 . Extremely grateful to our one time and recurring donors who have supported us through the Build USAP Community School Global Giving Donation Page. We also thank our contractors, Lues Construction, our Quantity Surveyor, Linda Bath and our ECE Engineering for working together with our architects from Architexture as a solid team throughout this project.

A special thanks to our own USAP alumnus Collence Nyazenga, who has worked tirelessly as our Project Manager from the time we imagined the school in 2018 to the present to ensure this dream of our own intentional campus would become a reality. Their dedication and commitment have played a crucial role in making this move a reality, ensuring that the school can continue to provide quality education and opportunities to its students.

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One thought on “We have moved home! USAPCS Commences 2nd Term on New Campus

  1. The new campus is even better and more beautiful than the photos, with 93 hectares of woodland, indigenous rocks, and the beautifully designed buildings. The quality of the construction is also excellent — with infinite echoes of thanks to everyone who contributed, most especially our own Collence!

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