Pachipamwe is a multifaceted platform catering to the diverse needs of Zimbabwe’s returning young professionals. The word Pachipamwe is a Shona greeting to someone momentarily parted with, and now united again. Literally meaning coming together again, this is an apt name for the program in an environment where not many Zimbabwean young professionals return home after their studies. The program seeks to capitalize on the diverse and unique set of skills and qualifications that returning young people possess and helps create a network of support to assist returning young professionals have a “soft landing” in their transition home.
PCP programming will include an exciting schedule of events geared toward assisting returning youth with career development in the Zimbabwean professional landscape and harnessing their energy and desire to deploy their skills in the development of our common home. Parallel to this, PCP endeavors to create a safe space in which returning young professionals can network with one another and share experiences. A vibrant and active What’s App group, regular participation in Tuesday Quiz Nights and occasional braais mark PCP’s flagship social networking events. Given COVID, currently Pachipamwe is restricted to the WhatsApp group For more information on Pachipamwe and to join our mailing list, please complete the short survey found here .